Our Governance Framework
Our robust governance framework enables us to effectively manage risk and quality across the whole family of Spirit companies so that we can deliver our services.
Like all healthcare organisations, we have a series of processes and polices which are all designed to ensure we always deliver safe services and that we work hard to improve them. These policies ensure we meet our obligations under a number of laws and standards, including the Health and Social Care Act 2012, the Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009 and Fundamental Standards, the NHS Constitution, the NHS Standard Contract, and other legislation. We conduct regular reviews, audits and assessments to make sure we are continually doing the right things.
We fully support our fabulous front line professionals to deliver excellent care, and we do this through a hard working support team who make sure that everything is in place to provide high quality safe care, in a suitable environment, using the best evidence and the latest technology.
For the delivery of our clinical services we are registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to ensure we deliver care which is safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led.
At Spirit Healthcare we are also ISO9001 accredited. This is an international standard for Quality Management Systems which outlines the requirements companies must meet to become compliant. It covers leadership, customer service, and focuses on continuous improvement. The benefit to our patients and customers is the assurance that we meet this requirement and that we are delivering consistent performance. Internally, the team at Spirit benefit from increased job satisfaction, improved morale and improved operational results.
Our Information Governance Framework
All organisations in the Spirit family operate openly and transparently to deliver the highest quality services at an affordable price to the NHS. We make a commitment that we will always handle the information given to us in a responsible and effective way. We will protect the confidentiality of personal information and have developed information sharing protocols to ensure we only share information with appropriate permissions and assurances.
All of our teams have a responsibility to ensure we meet all the legislative requirements and conform to all the NHS standards. These include the Data Protection Act 2018 (and the General Data Protection Regulations), the Freedom of Information Act 2000 alongside all the specific requirements from the NHS, including the Confidentiality Code of Practice, Digital Guidance, Records Management and the Information Commissioner Requirements and Information Governance Statement of Compliance (IGSOC).
We have a comprehensive monitoring system which ensures compliance with all information governance requirements, and reports to our Governance Committee, which includes members of the senior management team and the overall company board.
Your privacy is our priority
For more details of how Spirit companies handle and process information, please click here.
If you are a patient at one of our practices and would like to know more about how we handle the information we receive, process, share or hold about you, please click below for more information.
Compliments and Complaints
Here at Spirit we are committed to continuous learning, and we would be delighted to hear from you if you have a compliment for one of our team, or one of our services.
However, we also acknowledge that there are some times when we could do better. If you have a comment or a complaint, then please let us know. We promise to do all we can to put things right.
Let Us Know
The Spirit Family of Companies
Since 2009, we have been working tirelessly to improve healthcare services.
We have grown into a family of companies and every single one of us is striving to help make the world a healthier and happier place.