When planning budgets, work plans and QIPP for next year, prioritising can be difficult. Even once you’ve picked out the savings and quality improvements, implementation can be a struggle as it involves mobilising an already overworked primary care team.
Fortunately, our ‘Active Implementation™’ service offers a solution. Our service is carried out by our own team of nationwide pharmacists, nurses and project managers. The majority of our work can be completed remotely, although face to face clinics is always an option. Either way, Active Implementation allows primary care teams to focus on their own workloads with little distraction from us.
Plus, as a holistic service provider, Active Implementation™ is available on any switch and/ or quality programmes you might have planned.
Not only that but:
Active Implementation™ could deliver 700% greater savings*
Compared to when prescription change is managed by the practice. In essence the service allows you to roll out planned changes quicker and at scale compared to when it is left to primary care teams.
*Swift J et al. Implementing formulary change in diabetes. British Journal Health Care Management 2016; 23 (4)
Spirit Products could deliver the NHS a combined saving of £114.3m annually if used**
Whilst we operate across all therapy areas, we do have products ranges within diabetes, continence and woundcare. These ranges are priced to offer as much value as possible to achieve significant cost savings within the NHS.
**Based on prescribing data from Jan24 - Dec24 with a 70% switch from current prescribing to comparable products from Spirit Healthcare.
Click here to see a success story
Greater Manchester’s early adoption of Active Implementation™ in 2015 yielded a remarkable 29.6% reduction in self-monitoring of blood glucose unit costs over six years, surpassing the NHS England average of 20.3%.***
Active Implementation™ isn’t just for standardising prescribing practices it also delivers substantial long-term cost savings.*
***Swift J et al. Medical device standardisation for diabetes: a 6–year evaluation of cost savings. British Journal Health Care Management 2023; 29 (7)
How Active Implementation™ can help you when planning your budgets, workplans and QIPP for 2025/26
Watch the video below to see why Active Implementation™ may be the solution, you’ve been looking for.
Free up time
Realise planned savings
Increase patient uptake
Unlock resource
See you how much you could save by prescribing our products
Try our cost calculator below. Based on the products we have available in our portfolio it will demonstrate how much money we can potentially save your ICB/ICS, Health Board or Local Commissioning Group.
This is an overview of the savings across the diabetes range, which are ready to go and easy to implement products. We can also look at savings for individual products within the prescribing data.
As well as highlighting the therapy areas where spend can be significantly reduced, we have also included Quick Wins savings, which are ready to go, easy to implement, minimal resource dependent products.
How much could you save?
Aneurin Bevan HB
Ayrshire and Arran
Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire ICB
Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes ICB
Belfast Area
Betsi Cadwaladr University HB
Birmingham and Solihull ICB
Black Country ICB
Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire ICB
Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West ICB
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICB
Cardiff and Vale University HB
Cheshire and Merseyside ICB
Cornwall and The Isles of Scilly ICB
Coventry and Warwickshire ICB
Cwm Taf Morgannwg HB
Derby and Derbyshire ICB
Devon ICB
Dorset ICB
Dumfries and Galloway
Forth Valley
Frimley ICB
Gloucestershire ICB
Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Greater Manchester ICB
Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICB
Herefordshire and Worcestershire ICB
Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB
Humber and North Yorkshire ICB
Hywel Dda HB
Kent and Medway ICB
Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland ICB
Lincolnshire ICB
Mid and South Essex ICB
Norfolk and Waveney ICB
North Central London ICB
North East and North Cumbria ICB
North East London ICB
North West London ICB
Northamptonshire ICB
Northern Area
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB
Powys Teaching HB
Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin ICB
Somerset ICB
South East London ICB
South Eastern Area
South West London ICB
South Yorkshire ICB
Southern Area
Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent ICB
Suffolk and North East Essex ICB
Surrey Heartlands ICB
Sussex ICB
Swansea Bay University HB
West Yorkshire ICB
Western Area
Western Isles
Based on ICB prescribing data from Aug 2022 – Sept 2024 with a 70% switch from current prescribing to comparable products from Spirit Health.
So, why not harvest the benefits of Active Implementation™?
Book a 15 minute chat with an account manager today and find out more? Complete the form to discover how you can get the most out of your savings targets.
Evidence of successes
At Spirit Health, we have a long track record of delivering innovative healthcare services across the UK. We have a number of case studies below demonstrating how our hard work brings success for Health Boards, ICBs and LCGs.