Commissioning Digital Services
Want to commission digital services with your patient pathway?
We run workshops for NHS service and finance managers, commissioning and clinical leads on commissioning digital services to help them successfully introduce a new digital pathway.
These workshops provide industry with an opportunity to:
- Test/pilot new services
- Improve your reputation with NHS organisations
- Develop key contacts and develop relationships with key stakeholders
- Embed new digital services in clinical pathways
Get in touch to discuss running a workshop with your key customers.
How do you commission new services into a pathway?
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digital health transformation enabling clinical teams to manage patients more efficiently and improve outcomes.
‘Healthcare should never be allowed to stand still. It should never be permitted to accept that care is not as good as it could be’ – NHS Confederation [1]
CCGs are under increasing pressure to commission new services to better meet the needs of their patients and improve the quality of care they provide, as well as deliver better value across their health economy.
This is against a backdrop of challenges. We know that without engagement from stakeholders, being able to overcome resistance from the workforce and without the financial support and collaboration from the wider health economy, implementation and adoption will prove difficult.
Our Solution
We are offering training for providers and commissioners to help them successfully introduce a new digital pathway. The key to success is the belief that commissioning digital services is different. It is therefore vital that we understand and can tackle these differences.
The training will take three phases as outlined below:
Our team of NHS experienced experts will work with commissioning managers and clinical leads to focus on a specific disease area, for example, COPD, to:
- Review your current patient pathway
- Agree with your aims and objectives
- Define your stakeholders
- Build the case for change
- Assess your pain points and maximise your opportunities
- Understand the implementation model that will fit your organisation
- Support you with the 3 R’s and use digital technology to Reset, Restore and Recover NHS services across your health economy
The Spirit Family of Companies
Since 2009, we have been working tirelessly to improve healthcare services.
We have grown into a family of companies and every single one of us is striving to help make the world a healthier and happier place.